Welcome to Pleasant Ridge Middle School!
Pleasant RidgeMiddle SchoolDec. 20th - Jan. 3rd
Greetings Ram Fam,
The faculty and staff at PRMS would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
We will return to school on Monday, January 6th.
A few reminders:
As always, please contact me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. My email is lsiebenmorgen@easton449.org or via phone at 913-651-5522.
Very respectfully,
Lucas Siebenmorgen
Boys Basketball - First game is Thursday, January 2nd at McLouth, 4:30 start.
Scholars Bowl - There is a sign up sheet in the office for any 7th or 8th grade student that is interested in scholars bowl.
Additionally, if you're interested in learning more about traffic safety and the Kansas Drive to Zero Coalition, they recently completed their Strategic Highway Safety Plan. This strategy includes a valuable resource that promotes web-based mapping tools for local jurisdiction, traffic safety coalitions, and others to access and view fatal and serious injury crash data. You can explore this information further by visiting the dashboard here:
R = Respectful
A = Accountable
M = Mindful
S = Successful
To instill confidence and self-motivation in every student by providing a safe, supportive, and rigorous learning environment that maximizes student potential through high expectations and positive relationships.
To empower every student to become a productive citizen in an ever-changing world.
Mr. Lucas Siebenmorgen
Every Student. Every Day.
Email: lsiebenmorgen@easton449.org
Website: easton449.org
Location: 32504 Easton Road, Easton, KS, USA
Phone: 913-651-5522
Lucas Siebenmorgen
Lucas is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters