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Wellness Policy

Wellness Policy for USD 449

USD 449 has an active wellness policy in place, implementing the requirements/standards below:

  1. Implement a Wellness Policy
    1. Includes specific goals for nutrition, nutrition promotion and education, physical activity and other school-based activities that are designed to promote student wellness (7 CFR 210.31(c)(1)
    2. Includes standards and nutrition guidelines for all foods and beverages sold on the school campus during the school day that are at a minimum, consistent with Federal regulations for program meals and Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards and designed to promote student health and reduce childhood obesity (7 CFR 210.31(c)(2) and(3)
    3. Includes standards and nutrition guidelines for all foods and beverages available, but not sold to students on the school campus during the school day (for example classroom parties or rewards).  These standards and nutrition guidelines are not required to be consistent with Smart Snacks standards and the Sponsor has the discretion to adopt standards that are consistent with Federal school meals and Smart Snacks nutrition standards or to adopt more or less stringent standards.
    4. Includes policies that allow marketing or advertising of only those foods and beverages that may be sold on the school campus during the school day, i.e., those foods and beverages that meet the Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards (7 CFR 210.31(c)(3)(iii)
    5. Establishes a plan for measuring implementation of the local wellness policy, including designation of one or more persons at the Sponsor-level or at each school, charged with operational responsibility for ensuring that the school complies with the local wellness policy; and
    6. Involves parents, students, representatives of the school nutrition program, teachers of physical education, school health professionals, the school board, school administrators and the public in the development, implementation and evaluation of the local wellness policy. 
  2. Review and consider evidence-based strategies in determining local school wellness goals (7 CFR 210.31(c)(1). 
  3. Involve, inform, and update the public (including parents, students, and other stakeholders) about the content and implementation of the local school wellness policy (7 CFR 210.31(d)(2) and (3); 
  4. Conduct an assessment annually by updating the Sponsor’s status in relation to the Kansas School Wellness Policy Model Guidelines in KSDE’s online Wellness Impact Tool, to determine compliance, progress, and the extent to which the policy compares to model local school wellness policies (7 CFR 210.31(e)(2); 
  5. Designate a Wellness Policy Contact person on the Sponsor Application and enter the Wellness Policy Chair and committee members’ names in the Wellness Impact Tool.  The Sponsor must designate at least one LEA or school official(s) as responsible for determining the extent to which each school under their jurisdiction is in compliance with their wellness policies (7 CFR 210.31(e)(1). 
  6. Update or modify the local school wellness policy as appropriate (7 CFR 210.31(e)(3).   Maintain on file for review or audit records of wellness policy implementation plans and progress. 


Individual School Wellness Plans:

Elementary School Wellness Policy

Middle School Wellness Policy

High School Wellness Policy