Welcome to Pleasant Ridge Middle School!
Pleasant RidgeMiddle SchoolNovember 18th - 23rd
Greetings Ram Fam,
We have a full week of school coming up with several extra curricular activities. Also on Friday is our second dance of the year from 6 - 8 pm. Admission is two canned goods or $2.00 and the theme is "Pink Out".
Don't forget about the VA drive! Next week will be the final full week for donations.
Don't forget about the PRHS play "Cinderella" on Friday and Saturday. More information can be found below in the flyer.
Next week is American Education Week, where we have the opportunity to recognize the teachers and staff who contribute to making PRMS and Easton USD 449 an exceptional place to work. American Education Week, a nationwide event, celebrates the dedication and commitment of educators and education support professionals! I want to thank staff and faculty at PRMS for making this the best school possible.
A few reminders:
As always, please contact me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. My email is lsiebenmorgen@easton449.org or via phone at 913-651-5522.
Very respectfully,
Lucas Siebenmorgen
Girls Basketball - We host Troy on Monday and travel to JCN on the 21st.
Wrestling -
Home on Nov. 19th. We will also recognize the 8th graders and their parents that night. They travel to Rossville on Saturday for their 2nd tournament.
Additionally, if you're interested in learning more about traffic safety and the Kansas Drive to Zero Coalition, they recently completed their Strategic Highway Safety Plan. This strategy includes a valuable resource that promotes web-based mapping tools for local jurisdiction, traffic safety coalitions, and others to access and view fatal and serious injury crash data. You can explore this information further by visiting the dashboard here:
R = Respectful
A = Accountable
M = Mindful
S = Successful
To instill confidence and self-motivation in every student by providing a safe, supportive, and rigorous learning environment that maximizes student potential through high expectations and positive relationships.
To empower every student to become a productive citizen in an ever-changing world.
Mr. Lucas Siebenmorgen
Every Student. Every Day.
Email: lsiebenmorgen@easton449.org
Website: easton449.org
Location: 32504 Easton Road, Easton, KS, USA
Phone: 913-651-5522