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The Principal'sOfficePRES Back-to-School 2024-2025


Hello, Families!

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! We can't wait to get started on a great school year together!


For those of you who I have not personally met yet, I am Amanda Brimer. I will be your child's principal this year! I am starting my 17th school year in education, all of those being here at Pleasant Ridge. I started teaching 2nd grade here at PRES, started the STEM program and then hopped over to the Middle School to start my admin career. This is my 7th year as the principal at PRES. I am looking forward to meeting our new families and getting our students back in the building again!



We are so excited to get this school year started. This newsletter is meant to give you all the nuts and bolts of PRES. It's A LOT of information, but I do really encourage you to check it out so that you feel as confident as we do starting the school year! I will send out some more detailed information in the coming weeks about some of these topics, but this information will get you a great start!


We are excited to welcome several new staff members to our Ram Fam. Joining our teaching staff is Mrs. Allison Day (1st grade), Tracey Resch (2nd grade), Breanne Akers (3rd grade) and Carley Nelson (Art).


You will also see a new smile in the front office. Ashley Kujawa has joined Ms. Sheryl in the front office. You can give these ladies a call for just about anything (absences, transportation changes, questions about school events, etc).



One change I want to point out for 2024-2025 is that we will be making a change in our school communication system (Remind). Remind was recently purchased by ParentSquare. It is fairly similar to remind and available in an app where you can personalize notifications. We will be making this transition this school year and we will be sending out information on how to access this in the days to come. We loved REMIND and with the added features of Parent Square I know this will serve as a great platform for us!


We are going to start the year with a district wide spirit week (remember spirit weeks are meant to be fun, so if it's not fun for your family don't feel bad about not participating).


Wednesday (First day of school) : Dress your best

Thursday: Jersey Day/Favorite sports team

Friday: Ram Day


Check out all the information and let me know if you have any questions about the start of the school year.


We are all looking forward to a fun filled year of learning and growing this school year!


Have a great weekend and we will see you before we know it!


Amanda Brimer



School Supply Lists

August Breakfast Menu

August Lunch Menu


This may seem like "the boring stuff" but these are the things that keep us safely functioning together as a group of 352 students, 47 staff members and over 500 parents! Thanks for helping us keep everyone safe, healthy and happy!


You can click on the green buttons to access the information about each topic.

Student Handbook


Arrival and dismissal procedures are one of the most important routines we have in a school day. Making sure all of our students are safe is our #1 priority. Please make sure that you are familiar with the parent drop off and pick up procedures at PRES so that this (well oiled) machine can run each day.


8/14: 1st Day of School

We made it!


For the first day of school we do try and keep our routine as normal as possible. If you are dropping your child off on the first day we will follow our regular routine of dropping off in the car line. There will be lots of extra staff members there for support if those first steps into the school are a little hard.


One of the hardest things on a parent's heart is to see their child sad or scared. If your child is feeling apprehensive about the first day it can be tough on them and you! We are here to help you! Here are some tips if you do have a child who's having a hard time separating from you.


Here's what to do if your child is struggling to separate on the 1st day:

1.) Don't panic, it's going to be OK...even if your child's emotions are REALLY BIG that day (it's new and new things can be a little scary at first).

2.) Let us try and help....we will use all the tricks up our sleeves and 9 times out of 10 they will come along with us, if not follow rule #1 and don't panic!

3.) If your child is really struggling to separate, we will let the other students get settled in and you will wait with your child and then we will come up with a plan together.

4.) Once your child does separate, walk away as quickly as you can. (I promise, it's easier for them AND YOU!)

5.) It's OK if you are feeling BIG FEELINGS too! If it was a rough start WE PROMISE to call and give you an update on how it's going!


Pleasant Ridge Elementary School


Elementary School Calendar

Today's Events