The Principal'sOfficeMarch 2025
Happy 1st Monday of March! We are enjoying the time together at school after many frigid days that kept us at home in Febraruy! This week is Read Across America Week. We are excited to celebrate READING all week! The library has been transformed into an ocean as we celebrate our theme of "Diving into Reading".
We are very committed to spending the weeks leading up to Spring Break getting in all the academic time that we can with our students! I have updated our long term planning at the bottom of the newsletter for everything that we know is coming up for us this Spring.
Read on for more info on:
Amanda Brimer
Last week on Thursday your child brought home a small packet of information about our read Across America week this week. Below is all of that same information for you. If your child is participating in the home challenge they can turn in their challenge paper as soon as they have it completed for a prize from the library.
Each grade level will have a book exchange on Friday. If you have one (or a couple) of gently used books to trade your child can bring those in any time this week. The book exchange will be on Friday!
Yearbooks are for sale!
$15 per yearbook
Orders are due Friday 3/6 to guarantee a yearbook!
Order online (directions below) or by sending in the form with money to school with your child.
Girls on the run registration is open to 4th and 5th grade girls. GOTR is a wonderful opportunity for girls to learn life skills and healthy choices in a fun curriculum. It all culminates with an all girl 5k run.
Register today!
Also an added "PR benefit"....our generous PTO will reimburse 100% of registration fees for 5th graders and 50% of registration fees for 4th graders at the completion of the program.
There are several spring/summer sports/activities options for students. If you know of any in our area send me information and I can share that with families.
As a reminder, student drop off starts at 7:50 each morning. Students can enter the building at 7:55 (7:50 if they are eating breakfast) and the tardy bell rings at 8:05. If you arrive to school after that, please park, walk your child up and sign them in to the office. Please do not have your child walk up to the school by themselves if staff members are no longer outside greeting families.
Students can start getting out of the cars in the morning at 7:50 when staff members come outside to greet everyone. If your child is able to open the car door on his/her own we encourage them to do that once you are parked and ready to unload on the sidewalks...students do not have to wait for a staff member to open their door, but we are always happy to help if needed.
As the weather changes we will remind students to walk all the way up the sidewalk. Our custodial/maintenance staff works hard to make sure that the sidewalks are cleared off and salted in the Winter weather, but there can still be slick spots and we want to make sure everyone gets inside safely!
3/3-3/7 Read Across America Week (Spirit week)
3/14 ½ day PD, ½ day grading
3/17-3/21 SPRING BREAK
4/1 Class Pictures
4/2 Late Start
3/31-4/1 5th grade science assessments
4/8-4/9 ELA assessments (3-4-5)
4/15-4/16 Math Assessments (3-4-5)
4/21-4/22 State Assessment make ups
4/23 3rd grade field trip to American Royal
4/29-4/30 MAKE UP Assessments
4/18 NO SCHOOL for students
4/29 5th grade orientation to PRMS
This may seem like "the boring stuff" but these are the things that keep us safely functioning together as a group of 352 students, 47 staff members and over 500 parents! Thanks for helping us keep everyone safe, healthy and happy!
You can click on the green buttons to access the information about each topic.
We have drop off and pick up procedures nailed down. Just remember the following for a great pick up experience:
1.) make 2 lanes of traffic upon entering the gravel drive at the entrance of the parking lot
2.) have your child's family name card with you and visible each day
3.) have any transportation change to the office no later than 2:30 each day
Pleasant Ridge Elementary School