Welcome to my online classroom
Upcoming concerts;
HS Choir, Wednesday, September 26 at 7:00 pm
MS Bands and Choirs, October 8 at 6:00 pm
Lesson Plans: read below to see what we are doing in class.
Beginning Band
We are playing in class every day, learning new notes, music symbols, songs, and practicing for our concert. Practice records come home every week to be filled out and signed after practicing.
Our first concert is October 8 at PRMS at 6:00 pm. Students should report at 5:45 pm dressed in black on the bottom and white on the top.
7th & 8th grade Band
We are playing every day in class, practicing, learning new skills, and learning new music,
using Book 2 music for our warm up time.
Our first concert is October 8, at PRMS, at 6:00 pm. Students should report at 5:45 pm dressed in black on the bottom and white on the top.
6th Choir and 7th & 8th grade Choir
We are singing and reading music every day in class.
Our first concert is October 8, at PRMS, at 6:00 pm. Students whould report at 5:45 pm dressed in black ont he bottom and white on the top.
HS Band
We are playing in class every day.
We will play at all home football (and basketball) games, attendance is required at all band events. Marching un iforms have been issued and should be taken hom to be washed. If buttons are needed or pants hemmed, students may either do those “repairs” at home or speak to me for help. Black shoes should be worn with the uniform.
We have two upcoming parades, Halloween and Veteran’s Day, both are required events.
Out first concert is Monday, Nov 19 at PRHS at 7:00 pm. Band dresses in solid black to the floor for the concert. Report time is 6:45 pm.
HS Choir
We are singing every day in class.
Our first concert is Wednesday, September 26 at 7:00 pm. Report at 6:45 wearing black top and long black skirt or black slacks and long sleeve balck shirt. Black shoes, no flip flops or slippers.
HS Music Appreciation
We are studying music and music of the Medievil time period.